The curriculum at Sir John Lillie Primary School has been developed to prepare our children for the next stage of their education and to inspire them on their journey as lifelong learners.
Our aim is for our children to become confident, resilient and respectful young people who take risks in their learning. At Sir John Lillie Primary School subjects are taught discretely.
However, where possible, we make links between subjects and plan opportunities for our children to apply knowledge and skills across subjects and within meaningful contexts.
We strive to broaden our children’s experiences through activities that bring subjects to life. These include educational visits, workshops and after-school clubs.
To ensure our children are prepared for the next stage in their education, we have thoughtfully developed progression maps for subjects from Nursery to Year 6.
These progression maps include the knowledge, skills and vocabulary intended for all our children to learn each term. The knowledge, skills and vocabulary are purposefully sequenced to support our children in building on their previous learning. To further support our children in embedding the things they learn within their long-term memory, lessons begin with revisiting previous learning.
We believe it is important to support our children in developing personally as well as academically.
Through our carefully planned and sequenced whole school PSHE progression map we equip our children with the knowledge, attitudes and skills to be healthy, safe and responsible individuals and members of the community. In addition to assemblies and weekly class sessions, PSHE themes and topics are also taught by visitors through workshop sessions.
At Sir John Lillie Primary School our curriculum includes the statutory requirements set out by the National Curriculum. For detailed information about each of the subjects we teach, including our progression maps, please click on the subject links.
If you would like to find out more about our curriculum please talk to the class teacher.
Access to the curriculum is provided for all pupils at Sir John Lillie Primary School. This is done in a variety of ways; through adapting the curriculum, a range of different adult support, adapted activities through the use of equipment and resources. Teachers plan lessons carefully, ensuring all children can access the curriculum.
High quality teaching in class which is supplemented with a robust intervention program is key to delivering an effective and inclusive curriculum. All pupils' starting points are considered and activities and work is matched to ensure pupils reach their full potential, whilst supporting the child's learning; offering opportunities to succeed, as well as providing challenge.
For further information about pupils who have special educational needs, please click on the link to our school policies.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) & British Values
Throughout the curriculum at SJL teachers promote SMSC aspects of life and promote British Values, such as: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Assemblies play a huge role in developing SMSC learning at SJL. We have daily Key Stage 1 and 2 assemblies where the children come together to celebrate, share and reflect.
Topics/themes for assemblies include:
- Celebrating learning and achievements both in and out of school
- Celebrating attendance and punctuality
- Learning about different cultures, festivals and celebrations
- Learning about British Values
- Weekly singing assemblies
- Choosing school mediators
- Philosophy for Children
- Visitors and outreach activities
The Early Years Foundation Stage have a weekly assembly, with topics that include RE, SEAD (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning), stories and music.