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Edible Garden

In our playground, we have a fantastic Edible Garden. Each year group has a raised bed where they are growing different vegetables ready for us to harvest and eat once fully grown.

Each week, children from every class care for their bed by planting, thinning, weeding, watering or harvesting the plants.

Gardening Club

We run a weekly after-school garden club for our children to learn different garden skills and help tend to our Edible Garden crops. We have been planting lots of different fruits and vegetables and we really enjoyed trying them once they were ready to harvest. Last year, we planted carrots, peas, lettuce, potatoes, beetroot, strawberries and more! When we have a bumper crop, we share the fruit and vegetables with the kitchen to eat at lunch time or have them as part of our break time snack. Take a look at the photographs to see some of the delicious fruit we grew and harvested!


We have a wormery to help us compost our garden waste and food waste. We collect the left over waste from the break time fruit (e.g. apple cores) and feed them to our worms to help make compost for our garden. Our garden club makes sure to feed the worms weekly and take care of them.

Our Garden

Take a look at all of the things we are planting this term. Our plants are now growing and some will soon be ready to harvest. Watch this space for updates once our plants are fully grown!