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In geography, we aim to inspire our children to be curious thinkers, to explore and to ask questions about the world and its people. We want our children to think like a geographer. 

Our geography curriculum has a strong focus on developing our children’s geographical knowledge, skills and vocabulary. We aim to develop the confidence, knowledge and skills within our children to question and observe places, measure and record necessary data in various ways, and analyse and present their findings. At our school, we use Kapow Primary to support our planning, which we adapt to meet the needs of all our children.

In geography, our children learn about the world, the United Kingdom and our locality. Our curriculum includes opportunities to develop fieldwork skills and to develop knowledge and understanding of the local area. We want our children to learn and be inspired about geography not just through experiences in the classroom, but also through the use of fieldwork, educational visits and visitors.

Through our geography curriculum, we enthuse and inspire our children to become resourceful, active citizens who will have the skills to contribute to and improve the world around them.