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Physical Education

At Sir John Lillie Primary School we believe that Physical Education (PE) is a vital component of the holistic approach to learning.  It is experienced in a safe, supportive and challenging environment promoting the physical, emotional and social development and well-being of all students and staff involved.




At Sir John Lillie we follow the Get set 4 PE scheme of work. They provide a bank of extra activities that you can use at home to encourage your family to be active. These can be found at:

In addition to our PE curriculum, we encourage an active lifestyle and promote physical exercise through lunch time sport sessions and participation in tournaments across multiple sports against other local schools. 

PE is differentiated from free play or recreational play.  It is the observation, practice and sequential development of specific skills that serve a purpose in a drill, small or modified game or whole class activity.  We aim to provide opportunities for children to become knowledgeable about their bodies and develop the ability to manipulate their body in a variety of different situations. 

Our PE lessons consistently work towards the attainment of a positive and proactive attitude in the individual
towards their physical abilities and ideally carry these attributes into everyday lifestyle choices.

Children are expected to wear PE kits for every lesson, this includes swimming sessions for Year 4 and Squash sessions for Year 5.  Please see the uniform page for further information.

At Sir John Lillie Primary School we aim to:

  • Make PE an enjoyable and meaningful experience to all students
  • Integrate the physical and mental experience with other subject areas and outside school activities
  • Encourage lifestyle choices that promote an active and health conscious approach
  • Provide opportunities to students of all abilities, ages and ethnic backgrounds
  • Promote a positive association with PE
  • Raise awareness and develop appreciation for artistic and aesthetic understanding through movement
  • Assist in establishing and fostering the self-esteem of all students through physical confidence and cooperation in physical activities
  • Provide and develop experiences for interpersonal and intrapersonal skills
  • Provide education and experiences regarding the safe practice of physical activity