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At Sir John Lillie Primary School, our aim is for our children to see themselves as writers. Through our thoughtfully planned writing curriculum, we aim to inspire a love of writing within our children and to equip them with the knowledge and skills to speak and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas, thoughts and feelings to others.

Our teaching and classrooms promote a love of language that supports and encourages the children to acquire and use a wide and rich vocabulary in their talk and in their writing.

We have thoughtfully selected key texts and writing genres to engage our children in writing for a meaningful purpose and with a clear audience. These audiences include other classes, fictional characters or writing to people for a real-life scenario, for example writing a letter to the President of Brazil about the importance of protecting the rainforest or writing a letter to help reduce ‘single use’ plastic.

To support our children in writing down their ideas fluently, we teach phonics, spelling and handwriting sessions.