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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6! This year you will have Miss Haynes and Clare helping you with your learning.

In year six, you will be expected to read daily and bring your reading record to school every day. This is one of the best things you can do to help yourself with your learning. Not only is it an enjoyable task but it will help you in every subject. You will also have weekly homework tasks that will be uploaded to Google Classroom. Each week you will have spellings and times tables to do as well as small additional tasks. Homework is released on Friday and due on Tuesday. 

This year, PE will be on Tuesday. Please bring your PE to school with you. 

Dodo Art project

In science, we looked at evolution. One of the topics in this is extinction. Using this as inspiration for an art piece we have made a collage picture of one of the most famous extinct animals - the dodo.

First, we did a line drawing of one, then using paper form magazines we used collage techniques to complete the picture. You can see from the pictures below that the results are pretty fantastic! 

Anti Bullying Week

At SJL we take bullying very seriously and for Anti Bullying Week,  in year 6, we were so impressed by the mature conversations we had with our classes and how the children were able to share their experiences and thoughts. The theme this year was 'United Against Bullying'. We talked about how we are all different and that that is ok! We created these odd socks to represent our differences. I think you will agree we have quite a talented group of year 6 children who are certainly all very different. 

Year 6 portraits